A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2309

Chapter 2309


With a sly wink, Alexis swiftly left.

In the car, as Leonel fastened his seatbelt, he asked, “So, do you often go to bars for drinks?”

Alexis casually hummed.

“From time to time.”

Leonel turned to her and asked softly, “Ever picked up guys there?”

Alexis gestured for him to start driving, and after a brief pause, she shot back.

“That’s none of your business. What, did you become a cop in abroad?”

Leonel’s expression soured.

The journey was filled with only small talk.

It was a rare instance of them being alone in such a private setting after many years.


Eventually, Alexis fell silent, gazing out of the car window.

Leonel reached for the radio and put on a song.

After a while, he broke the silence.

“Do you have someone special in your life now?”

Alexis replied lazily, “No. But if I want to, I can always find someone… Going to a bar makes it easy. No commitments, and no need to discuss anything when it’s over.”

Alexis said this with a slight chuckle.

She had once loved Leonel, very much so.

Her youth was dedicated to him, and the best years of her young love were intertwined with him.

But he didn’t want her anymore.

He left her and even brought other women to visit her parents. It was painful at first, but who said relationships were always destined to be eternal?

It took time, but Alexis eventually moved on.

She didn’t care much anymore. If Leonel hadn’t reappeared in her life, he would have been insignificant.

Now he asked if she was seeing someone else.

Alexis didn’t try to decipher Leonel’s thoughts.

